There are many families in this city that are without fathers in the home or those men who are there are not the father of the children nor are they married to the mother. I know of one lady who has eleven children by five different men. Her youngest daughter is younger than her grand daughter. The daughters in these families have little hope of higher education. The street life is easy money but leads to a life of tragedy.
Many times, the father of the house travels across to “the other side”, as they refer to the United States, either legally or illegally to find work with the intention of sending home money to support the family. This works for a while, then the man finds the American lifestyle too appealing.

The money is under the table. He pays no taxes. He lives with 7 or 8 other Latinos in a dilapidated house trailer or crowded apartment or rented house, drinks heavily at night and soon forgets his “wife” and children in Mexico.
This leaves the mother with 2, 3 or more kids and no means of support. Her options are limited in that few Mexican women have any education above the junior high level. She can try to find a job in a store or in a factory but this pays an average of $50US per week. Too often she will have to supplement this income by working the street and bars or dancing in one of the clubs which operate in SLRC.
In each of these scenarios, the children are the ones lost in the chaos. The mothers and their children are paying an incredible price in San Luis Rio Colorado. Abandoned by their husbands and fathers, a single bare bulb burning overhead, huddled together to keep warm in their cardboard house on a cold winter’s night, or sweltering in the 100° heat of a desert night, these lost sheep are praying and hoping that tomorrow will be a better day.

You can help! You can go!
You can make a difference!
We are looking for people to live on site, full time, to teach and nurture. Short term missions teams are needed to help build the facilities and reach out to the community. Materials must be purchased. Staff must be paid. Food, clothing and utilities will need to be provided for.
Pray and ask the Father what is to be your part in saving these families!
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